Inspired by art & technology

Welcome! My name is Joe, and I am the heart and soul behind this creative endeavor. In late 2023, I decided to channel my passion for photography, graphic design, and laser engraving into one focused venture, 888 Ten. This project is not just a business to me; it's the culmination of all my creative pursuits, a singular platform where my hobbies are not only shared but celebrated and innovated.

My Creative Path

Creativity has always been my guiding light, pushing me to explore various forms of expression. I've spent countless hours behind the camera, in front of the computer, and beside the laser engraver, each medium allowing me a unique avenue to express my vision. These aren't just pastimes for me; they are the pieces of my personal puzzle, fitting together to create a larger picture of who I am and what I aspire to share with the world.

Creatively Crafted & Locally Made

Why 888 Ten?

The name 888 Ten embodies the essence of my artistic and entrepreneurial spirit. It reflects a blend of balance, infinity, and a dash of luck, much like the works I create. It stands as a symbol of my commitment to bringing diverse and unique creations to the forefront of the makers market.


A little more about Joe, your neighborhood photographer and artist! Capturing life's moments as memorable photographs and transforming thoughts into inspired creations is my passion. I'm on a journey to craft a collection ranging from storytelling landscape photos to bespoke gifts that make a statement.

What 888 Ten Offers

888 Ten is where my passions come to life, offering a range of products and services that are as diverse as my interests:

  • Photography: My photography is a portal to the moments I've captured, each with its own story and emotion. From serene landscapes to the raw beauty of candid portraits, my work aims to connect with viewers on a profound level.

  • Graphic Design: I bring ideas to visual reality through graphic design. My designs are more than just visually appealing; they are crafted to communicate, engage, and leave a lasting impression.

  • Laser Engraved Products: Combining artistry with precision, my laser-engraved creations offer something truly unique. Each piece, whether it's a customized branded product or a personalized gift, it is created with the utmost attention to detail and quality.


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