handcrafted goods, prints, and other stuff …

There are many facets of my life that I draw inspiration from to feed the creative process. Simply said, the totality of my life experiences heavily influence my art and what I create. Each provide me a great wealth of inspiration and material to draw ideas. I am vested in what I bring to this world and wish to share my creations with others.

slate coasters

Slate engraves exceptionally well and presents a finished design in remarkable detail. Based on my own designs, I can customize or personalize your purchase to be a unique statement piece.

stock images

I am building up my portfolio of Non-Exclusive Stock Images and I am offering them through iStock by Getty.

custom patch hats

My initial inspiration was to produce a design that proudly celebrates my community. This has since expanded to experiences and topics that I have found to be a meaningful part of my life.


I’m offering a few of my images through a print-on-demand partner. Fine Art America I believe offers a great service and high quality products.


Youth sports is a big community that we are involved with year round. Create mementos for the team to keep at the end of the season.

graphic design

Ideas transferred from thoughts to digital format. Another portfolio in progress and hoping to share with the world in the near future.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can change everything.